Music Magazine Double Page Spread Analysis 2

This double page spread is very well structured, we see that there are not any lines or anything to make the page look more organized; this is much like the music in this magazine. We know that it is very mixed together and this may have a relation to the how the double page is structured.

The main image on the double page spread works as the background; this brings a lot of detail to the double page spread and makes it more eye-catching to look at. The fact that all the images are in black and white make the images look every emotional and create depth within the whole double page spread.

The use of different camera shots for each image makes the double page spread look like it has more detail and  it shows the facial features, body language and setting through the different photos. If all the images had the same shot, it wouldn’t stand out as much, this is because readers like to see a variety of images with a different point of view instead of the same shot.

The use of instruments and live performances shown through the images reveal the genre more and give us an idea of the lifestyle the band is like or any band in the Rock/Metal genre. We know that the genre of music revolves around instruments as being the main feature within any music and this may be why this has been done.

The facial expressions and body language of the band shows hard work, dedication and love for what they do, this may be connecting with the header used on the double page that reads “Were the best MCR we can be!” All band members look like they are fully concentrated and living within the music which shows the readers how important it is for them to be making music.

The colours on the page are very dark and this reveals the genre of the music (Rock) it also goes along with the lyrics that may be produced by the band that may be very dark and sad. The use of Red through the font goes along with the house colours of the magazine and makes the whole page stand out but on the other hand can connote blood and danger which may also be a big part to what the band are like and the style of music.

The style of font used in the header is the same as the front cover and contents page; this shows the connection though the magazine and the similarities of this. We also see that the header uses capital letters, this relates to the music that is very enthusiastic and loud.

The use of strap lines and cover lines make the page have more information and more detail which may or may not be about the band on the double page spread, having this makes people have other things to read about before or after the main story. The cover lines are also used to make readers look and be more interested to what may be going on more than if they just see a couple of images and a lot of small font writing.

After looking at the front cover and contents page of this particular magazine, I see that the magazine genre is clearly shown in all different areas through the use of images, font, language and the lifestyles of the singers/bands.

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